235 lines
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235 lines
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
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<meta charset="utf-8" />
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<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
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content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"
<script src="./Build/Cesium/Cesium.js"></script>
@import url(./Build/Cesium/Widgets/widgets.css);
#cesiumContainer {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
<div id="cesiumContainer"></div>
Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken =
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", {
geocoder: false, //位置查找
homeButton: false, //视图返回初始位置
sceneModePicker: false, //视角选择器
baseLayerPicker: false, //底图选择器
navigationHelpButton: false, //导航帮助按钮
animation: false, //动画控制器
// creditContainer:"credit",//版权显示
timeline: false, //时间线
fullscreenButton: false, //全屏控件
vrButton: false,
terrainProvider: Cesium.createWorldTerrain({
requestVertexNormal: true, //添加地形光照
requestWaterMask: true, //添加水面波浪效果
// viewer.imageryLayers.removeAll();
// 添加 Mapbox tile provider
// const mapboxAccess =
// 样式id查看:https://docs.mapbox.com/api/maps/styles/
// URL格式的 mapbox://styles/:owner/:style, 其中 :owner 是您的 Mapbox 账户名 :style 是样式 ID 。
// 可选值:streets-v10、outdoors-v10 、light-v9、dark-v9、satellite-v9、satellite-streets-v10
// const mapboxStyleImagery = new Cesium.MapboxStyleImageryProvider({
// styleId: "streets-v10",
// accessToken: mapboxAccess,
// // proxy: new Cesium.DefaultProxy(""),
// });
// viewer.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(mapboxStyleImagery);
// var imageryLayers = viewer.scene.imageryLayers;
//后添加的图层在顶部,addImageryProvider 方法
// var blackMarble = imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(
// new Cesium.IonImageryProvider({ assetId: 3812 })
// );
const tileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(
new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
url: Cesium.IonResource.fromAssetId(96188),
// Add OSM Building tileset
let osmBuildingsTileset = Cesium.createOsmBuildings();
osmBuildingsTileset.style = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
defines: {
mh: "${feature['cesium#estimatedHeight']}",
color: {
conditions: [
// ["(${mh} >= 100.0)", "color('blue')"],
// ["(${mh} >= 1.0)", "color('red')"],
["${mh} >= 300", "rgba(45, 0, 75, 0.5)"],
["${mh} >= 200", "rgb(102, 71, 151)"],
["${mh} >= 100", "rgb(170, 162, 204)"],
["${mh} >= 50", "rgb(224, 226, 238)"],
["${mh} >= 25", "rgb(252, 230, 200)"],
["${mh} >= 10", "rgb(248, 176, 87)"],
["${mh} >= 5", "rgb(198, 106, 11)"],
["true", "rgb(127, 59, 8)"],
// ["${name} === '周大福金融中心(广州东塔)'","color('red')"],
// ["${name} === '周大福金融中心(广州东塔)'", "color('red')"],
// "show" : "${Height} > 50.0"
// osmBuildingsTileset.style = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
// defines: {
// material: "${feature['building:material']}",
// },
// color: {
// conditions: [
// ["${material} === null", "color('white')"],
// ["${material} === 'glass'", "color('skyblue', 0.5)"],
// ["${material} === 'concrete'", "color('grey')"],
// ["${material} === 'brick'", "color('indianred')"],
// ["${material} === 'stone'", "color('lightslategrey')"],
// ["${material} === 'metal'", "color('lightgrey')"],
// ["${material} === 'steel'", "color('lightsteelblue')"],
// ["true", "color('white')"], // This is the else case
// ],
// },
// });
// const gzTile = "http://localhost:9000/model/985e07c0af2611ecb9f6593f47f8b446/tileset.json";
// const gzTileset = viewer.scene.primitives.add(
// new Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({
// url: gzTile,
// })
// );
// gzTileset.style = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle({
// color:{
// conditions:[
// ["${floor} === '4'","color(red)"]
// ]
// }
// })
// 创建一个用于存储标注的数据源
const dataSource = new Cesium.CustomDataSource("poiIconLabel");
* 用于添加poi的icon和label的函数
* @param {*} lon :经度
* @param {*} lat :纬度
* @param {*} name :标签内容
* @param {*} color :底部圆和横线的颜色
* @param {*} url :icon地址
function poiIconLabelAdd(lon, lat, height, name, color, url) {
// 获取标注数据源
const labelDataSource = viewer.dataSources.getByName("poiIconLabel")[0];
name: name,
position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lon, lat, height + 300),
// 图标
billboard: {
image: url,
width: 50,
height: 50,
label: {
text: name,
font: "20px sans-serif",
style: Cesium.LabelStyle.FILL,
// 对齐方式(水平和竖直)
horizontalOrigin: Cesium.HorizontalOrigin.LEFT,
verticalOrigin: Cesium.VerticalOrigin.CENTER,
pixelOffset: new Cesium.Cartesian2(20, -2),
showBackground: true,
backgroundColor: new Cesium.Color.fromBytes(0, 70, 24),
// 先画线后画点,防止线压盖点
let linePositions = [];
linePositions.push(new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lon, lat, height));
new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lon, lat, height + 300)
polyline: {
positions: linePositions,
width: 1.5,
material: color,
// 画点
// 给初始点位设置一定的离地高度,否者会被压盖
position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(lon, lat, height),
point: {
color: color,
pixelSize: 15,
const handler = new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(viewer.scene.canvas);
handler.setInputAction(function (movement) {
viewer.selectedEntity = undefined;
const pickedBuilding = viewer.scene.pick(movement.position);
if (pickedBuilding) {
const lat = pickedBuilding.getProperty("cesium#latitude");
const lon = pickedBuilding.getProperty("cesium#longitude");
const height = pickedBuilding.getProperty("cesium#estimatedHeight");
const name = pickedBuilding.getProperty("name");
const color = Cesium.Color.SNOW;
const url = "./data/local.png";
poiIconLabelAdd(lon, lat, height, name, color, url);
}, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_CLICK);
destination: new Cesium.Cartesian3(
orientation: {
heading: 6.0399326,
pitch: -0.30503,
roll: 6.2825747,